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Write for Us

Thank you for your interest in Ascores! If you're passionate about sports like cricket, football, basketball, or others, we invite you to join our team of authors and share your insights with a global audience.

Submission Guidelines

We publish a variety of content, including news articles, match reports, feature stories, tactical analysis, and fantasy tips. All submissions must be original and free from plagiarism.

Word Count:

Articles: Minimum of 400 words. Please keep your content concise and focused.

News Articles: Limit to 500 words, concentrating on the core event and removing unnecessary details.

Content Requirements:

We welcome articles on match previews, breaking news, player interviews, and more. Your work should present a unique perspective, supported by facts and data, and be accessible to a broad audience.

Language and Format:

  • Use formal, clear language with proper grammar and spelling.

  • Include subheadings for better readability.

  • Paragraphs should be 4-5 lines to maintain a smooth reading experience.

Writing Approach:

For news articles, the first two paragraphs should provide your description and avoid direct quotes. You may summarize or paraphrase the quoted content, but refrain from using it verbatim. If you use quotes from other sources, please provide proper attribution.

For long-form articles, we recommend outlining the main structure in advance, ensuring each subheading corresponds to a key aspect of the article. Start with a compelling introduction, followed by a concise summary, and conclude clearly. Include relevant data and facts to support your arguments and enhance the article's authority.

How to Submit

Email your submission to [email protected] with the subject line "Submission + Article Title." Include a brief author bio and your contact information. If your article meets our standards, we'll reach out to discuss further collaboration.

What We Offer

Accepted authors will receive recognition on our platform and may be eligible for additional opportunities, such as featured spots or collaborations.

For any questions or support, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to your submissions and welcome you to our growing sports community!

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